That list isn't the percentage allocation of all 12.30 kick offs
It's the percentage of each team's Premier League games that kicked off at 12.30.
Norwich haven't played 1 in 12 of all Saturday lunchtime games in the PL since 2015.
Posted By: norwaay on May 3rd 2024 at 19:12:54
Message Thread
- 8.5%. We are massive (NCFC) - Chris Peacock, May 3, 15:03:57
- Why this is stupid. (NCFC) - usacanary, May 3, 15:25:25
- Us and Leeds have a much higher % than Liverpool.... (NCFC) - usacanary, May 3, 15:20:31
- Ha ha, so historical verbal abuse Flopp (n/m) (NCFC) - Lentil Weaver, May 3, 15:08:51
- *is (n/m) (NCFC) - Lentil Weaver, May 3, 15:09:06
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