Well there are loads of tvs in there so I don't see why not.
Why isn't there a bean bag from Preston? When was the last time we had one of them? Why did we buy that big f**king massive telly?
Posted By: Huge Small on April 9th 2024 at 22:09:15
Message Thread
- is the grand national being shown in the barclay lounges? (General Chat) - Tombs, Apr 9, 21:57:46
- Well there are loads of tvs in there so I don't see why not. (General Chat) - Huge Small, Apr 9, 22:09:15
- what the fuck is happening? (General Chat) - Tombs, Apr 9, 22:15:10
- Well there are loads of tvs in there so I don't see why not. (General Chat) - Huge Small, Apr 9, 22:09:15
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