The amusing thing is…
Once McKenna f**ks off, which he will, whether it’s the end of this season or the end of next season, what is left behind?
Their investors have hit the jackpot with McKenna and I would say it’s likely they’ll cash in and realise their profit if the scum are promoted. Can’t see them spending anything beyond the tv money on players, maybe they spend a bit on infrastructure?
Yeah, they’re doing great this season. Has a long term transformation really occurred any more than it did when lambert took us up back to back? Probably not.
Posted By: SimonOTBC on April 7th 2024 at 22:15:03
Message Thread
- Scum are hurting.. (Other Football) - Lager top, Apr 7, 20:14:23
- Haha! They’re salty (Other Football) - SimonOTBC, Apr 7, 20:19:56
- They're a very odd bunch (Other Football) - paulg, Apr 7, 21:11:13
- The amusing thing is… (Other Football) - SimonOTBC, Apr 7, 22:15:03
- totally.. it will be so great if they fail to go up and we do.. (n/m) (Other Football) - Lager top, Apr 7, 20:27:49
- Could you imagine!! Hopefully they go on a similarly shit run as after the last derby (n/m) (Other Football) - DH Yellow, Apr 7, 20:38:26
- They're a very odd bunch (Other Football) - paulg, Apr 7, 21:11:13
- Haha! They’re salty (Other Football) - SimonOTBC, Apr 7, 20:19:56
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