Serious answer: quite big. Was actually two moves in one.
Partner and I both had our own houses before the move, and this was about us moving in together into one (with us all having our own bunch of furniture, etc, so double what we need with a lot of things) + her old place being about 1.5 hrs away. So we have been non-stop moving since Good Friday - two main move days for the vans for large stuff, then several days making car journeys, sorting, etc. We've still got so much to do but only got the PC and TVs sorted out and in place yesterday.
Posted By: AstroCanary on April 6th 2024 at 11:00:38
Message Thread
- Morning all! (NCFC) - AstroCanary, Apr 6, 09:31:07
- Generally we were brilliant, more generally not so much. (n/m) (NCFC) - Boyer, Apr 6, 10:56:30
- How big is your house move (NCFC) - ghostof barry butler, Apr 6, 10:52:10
- Serious answer: quite big. Was actually two moves in one. (NCFC) - AstroCanary, Apr 6, 11:00:38
- Good morning part timer (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Apr 6, 10:02:06
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