mmm definitely gave off the vibe that he's desperate for their approval
to the point that he downplayed a few things he ought to have been more bold/proud of from a City perspective. can't remember exactly what now (seeing as it was the previous nightshift to this one and i'm a little frazzled as a result)
...but then catching up with a LOT of fragile negativity on this board, maybe i've just successfully isolated myself from the doom & gloomers and game-in, game-out drudgery that a lot have been suffering long term -- so maybe his thinking is more in line with 'typical' regular match going city folk...
other city fans on there rise to the counter-bait more easily/make themselves far more obvious as pretend ippos moaning /just chuck s**t bait at them to begin with (from a position of an obvious city fan not pretending to be them)
Posted By: DJ Ginga on April 6th 2024 at 04:51:04
Message Thread
- Scum press news in... (NCFC) - DJ Ginga, Apr 5, 02:14:42
- They don't let me attend their PC's, the smelly oiks. (n/m) (NCFC) - DrDublin, Apr 5, 09:46:19
- Pink 'Un poster tries to engage with that lot... (NCFC) - DJ Ginga, Apr 5, 04:47:34
- tbh yellowrider comes over as a bit of a twat (n/m) (NCFC) - Pixelman, Apr 5, 08:18:53
- mmm definitely gave off the vibe that he's desperate for their approval (NCFC) - DJ Ginga, Apr 6, 04:51:04
- *write (n/m) (NCFC) - DJ Ginga, Apr 5, 04:48:21
- tbh yellowrider comes over as a bit of a twat (n/m) (NCFC) - Pixelman, Apr 5, 08:18:53
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