I was a poor kid.

My brothers have all gone on to do pretty well for themselves.

Being streetwise and having an incredible work ethic can get you a long way.

There are tons of opportunities out there.

The vast majority don't involve working for someone else.

Here is a million-dollar tip, people who are successful often have big egos.
Thats an advantage! as if you show genuine interest and work ethic you can often find mentors very easily.

When they first started somebody helped them so they often like to pass it on.
First impressions count as a successful person is able to weed out those that don't have what it takes very quickly.

Think outside the box. Offer to work for someone for free to get an education or foot in the door.
Offer value.

Or just buy a lotto ticket and hope the world falls into your lap.

Posted By: usacanary on October 23rd 2023 at 13:58:20

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