They are hamstrung by tradition. The right to bear arms is in the Constitution.... but

the right to bear arms was designed for use with C18th blunderbuses and rifles that couldn't hit a barn door at 4ft - not semi automatic machine guns and worse. You could write books on how it has developed since then but essentially the current situation is all a combination of

a) The Original Constitution provided for a Combination of both National Laws and State Laws. State Laws usually override National Ones.

b) Tradition and Isolationism. What is it, only 25% have passports?

c) A Two Party Right Wing Political System - the Democrats are Closer to our Tories, the Republicans further Right than Attilla the Hun

d) An incredibly powerful Gun Lobby who fund the Republican Party to a massive degree. They won't vote for Gun Laws.

5) The way Social Media has developed. Like for like copycat killings. A huge number of 'nutters' who fundamentally believe in their right to bear (and use) arms and will defend that right to the end. These same people genuinely believe Trump was cheated out of the 2020 Presidency. I've met them.

It's a whole list of far too complicated interwoven issues which USA Canary can know doubt explain better, but basically the country is ******. Gun Laws should have been introduced after the Civil War. They weren't and you reap what you sow. I'm going there for a 3 week holiday / tour next month (Mid and West States). If we hadn't now paid (a lot) for the holiday I might have considered cancelling. Will be very very cautious though....

Posted By: Saucerer on May 9th 2023 at 11:27:38

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