Wouldn't hold your breath

Ben comes at this from a certain, er angle. He'll ban people for criticism of a government he supports, even if it's really mild (or he did - I think he's eventually given up on that, given how ubiquitous criticism of this government has become). But he really doesn't want to ban people for the relentless right wing culture-war-mongering you forever see on here. Hence why it's always on here. It reflects his politics, in the end.

Am aware I'll probably get banned for saying this, because he *hates* having it pointed out. And when I do I'll feel conflicted. The never-ending right wing background hum on here is so horrible. But I love the Norwich chat, and it keeps me in touch and vaguely aware of what's going on about the club and community I love. So I keep coming back.

In the end it's his site and his choice.

Posted By: Bertie Russell on February 25th 2023 at 10:55:43

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