Thoughts on the Test match?

For me the declaration probably was too conservative, I think I'd have gone when Bairstow was caught, but I take Roots point about the teams confidence being a factor. That said, in all honesty we could have had 3 sessions and I doubt we'd have got them all out.

All the bowlers put the effort in in tough conditions Mahmood looks like he might be a find.
Leach though, he's a thoroughly decent player, he really is, that's just not enough at test level though is it?

I don't know the county game to know if there are other genuine options, but england really need a proper test spinnner. I really think peak Swann would have caused enough problems and taken enough wickets on that last day for us to win the match.

Posted By: megson on March 21st 2022 at 10:52:48

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