I read that as 13 foot players
Basically two Peter Crouches, on top of each other. Unfair, if you ask me.
Posted By: APB on December 20th 2021 at 16:01:25
Message Thread
- Clubs have been advised if they have 13 fit players, plus a goalkeeper, they (General Chat) - BSE Canary, Dec 20, 15:31:31
- that is what the Regulations state (General Chat) - Henclrikus, Dec 20, 16:56:33
- Could be fun (General Chat) - SCC 28, Dec 20, 16:48:46
- pools panel to decide on results, like this... (General Chat) - Tombs, Dec 20, 17:14:29
- IMHO this could actually favor smaller clubs like ours. (General Chat) - usacanary, Dec 20, 16:41:12
- So we could be facing Arsenal with a defence full of out of position players? (General Chat) - BungysPie, Dec 20, 16:06:25
- I read that as 13 foot players (General Chat) - APB, Dec 20, 16:01:25
- Six on each side and one in the middle? (General Chat) - Old Man, Dec 20, 19:26:38
- Are they going to need scans to prove it? (n/m) (General Chat) - mr carra, Dec 20, 15:35:23
- Yes (General Chat) - jamesward, Dec 20, 15:44:48
- Just a picture of a player rolling around on the floor at home will do (n/m) (General Chat) - Ben, Dec 20, 15:38:49
- No, but take your boots, you might get a game! (n/m) (General Chat) - BSE Canary, Dec 20, 15:37:20
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