Not at all

A win, even a dull, ground out one based on a fluke goal where the hall end up in the leeds bet off Grant Hanley’s backside, would be massive. I’d much rather DF managed to turn it round than roll the dice with a new manager. He is on borrowed time though because most of the performances this season have been dire.

Also, we’re playing dirty Leeds and I would so love to beat them. My uncle is a Leeds fan (my mum’s family hail from the city), though one of the saner ones. He’s quite depressed at the moment and is predicting a City win. He’s bot watched us much so based mainly on their performances, which he says have been dreadful. Two out of form sides… could be a very painful watch.

Posted By: Sellbydave on October 28th 2021 at 16:33:55

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