Goes without saying
Posted By: Ken Dodds Dads Dog on October 26th 2021 at 11:38:44
Message Thread
- Should the club of come out and said something regards (NCFC) - DiscoDale, Oct 26, 11:21:45
- Grant Hanley did a one minute interview with the club.... (NCFC) - usacanary, Oct 26, 14:50:24
- one thing that sometimes shows contrition (NCFC) - big member, Oct 26, 12:15:04
- I'd like Webber to come out and show some leadership but we won't hear anything (NCFC) - Jim, Oct 26, 12:11:07
- What would you have expected them to come out say? (n/m) (NCFC) - Ken Dodds Dads Dog, Oct 26, 11:36:29
- We're shit and we know we are (n/m) (NCFC) - jamesward, Oct 26, 11:37:59
- Goes without saying (n/m) (NCFC) - Ken Dodds Dads Dog, Oct 26, 11:38:44
- We're shit and we know we are (n/m) (NCFC) - jamesward, Oct 26, 11:37:59
- The club’s mantra is “ignore the noise” but… (NCFC) - loz, Oct 26, 11:24:18
- And say what? What would you like him to say? (n/m) (NCFC) - Yellalee, Oct 26, 11:44:30
- That's the thing isn't it, next to impossible to say anything of note (NCFC) - megson, Oct 26, 12:54:12
- Any mitigating factors support for the coach how he / we intend to… (NCFC) - loz, Oct 26, 12:31:22
- We can all answer those questions (NCFC) - seminated_woolly, Oct 26, 14:42:01
- If Todd had signed a new contract we'd have been told. (NCFC) - trafford_canary, Oct 26, 13:52:23
- I doubt we're trying to devalue Todd by deliberately not playing him and calling him out. (NCFC) - trafford_canary, Oct 26, 13:57:48
- I mean, he's not going to say anything like that though is he. (NCFC) - Yellalee, Oct 26, 13:11:12
- Very difficult to answer those questions atm (NCFC) - jamesward, Oct 26, 13:05:02
- VMT and also (NCFC) - Ken Dodds Dads Dog, Oct 26, 13:00:38
- Relegation is worse than death (n/m) (NCFC) - jamesward, Oct 26, 12:12:38
- What him and Tuchel are having for lunch (n/m) (NCFC) - CWC, Oct 26, 11:57:40
- Something akin to Marc Antony's speech in Julias Caeser (n/m) (NCFC) - Ken Dodds Dads Dog, Oct 26, 11:52:32
- LOL, OK you win POTD. (n/m) (NCFC) - usacanary, Oct 26, 14:53:14
- Friends, Romans, countrymen, (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Oct 26, 12:31:20
- Yes this but (NCFC) - Ken Dodds Dads Dog, Oct 26, 12:36:48
- I expect Webber to say something soon. Depends on Leeds performance/result ? (n/m) (NCFC) - munter, Oct 26, 11:44:11
- Hopefully he'll share his coaching tips (NCFC) - camcan, Oct 26, 12:10:40
- And say what? What would you like him to say? (n/m) (NCFC) - Yellalee, Oct 26, 11:44:30
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