
Can see them now. Stood up. Arms tightly folded across chest/moobs. Head tilted back. Talking, out of corner of mouth to mate in weary, seen it all before, I told them so tones. A weird preference to use an a after f in the f-word so they think people around them think they're geezer gangsters. The last people in the world you'd want as a mate, so thats what they call you if they catch your eye. "Whaddya think mate. Shite ain't it." Daring you to argue. Lager stains on their tightly fitting t-shirts in second half. Delight in telling half the stand they're " for a piss, bet the fackers score now" then looking offended if no-one laughs.

Posted By: Martin Peters on September 20th 2021 at 08:40:06

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