This Indian side has a very specific approach and attitude, and it works for them

Kohli is a superb captain, who has created a team in his image with a lot of talent.

However, their style and approach is going to lead people to form opinions, its not far removed from the joy taken from seeing the Aussie cheats get caught.
That team was in a very similar mode, try everything to win, bully intimidate and cross the line frequently on field, then behind all that we got evidence of ACTUAL cheating.

When a team is so happy to push against the spirit and boundaries of fair play, its a very small step to go from leaning over that line, to being on the other side of it, so much so that that step is sadly often taken.
That's what leads people to question motive.

I think in this case, when you look at who Covid has been handled by Indian Cricket, the timing of the Test & IPL, the fact they have now withdrawn their forfeiture, I don't think its unreasonable that people are wondering if there is more to that decision.

As I said earlier though, their safety is the most important thing, of course it is.

Posted By: megson on September 10th 2021 at 09:47:23

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