Its easy to think people are getting more thick...

But I think considering this issue in the context of Norwich City is actually a good thought experiment.

Take the average away following at NCFC; we have changed with the times and although there are still idiots in the crowd they have become less and less.

For example, imagine someone singing a homophobic/racist/discriminatory chant. There would undoubtedly be a section of the crowd that would join in, but I suggest the majority would be up in arms for weeks after.

Now go back not that long ago to the 2000's. It was common place for Norwich fans to sing such things. I remember chants about players who have had cancer, plenty of homophobia and fairly common expressions of racism. We definitely sang the Chelsea rent boy chant and 'he's got a pineapple on his head'.

The thing is the majority of people who sang those songs just 15 years ago are not doing it anymore. They've educated themselves and moved on. People aren't as thick as they used to be.

Sadly there will always be a skin headed deep Norfolk contingent who are just a bit thick, but they are not the majority and they are a dying breed.

Posted By: BearCan94 on August 25th 2021 at 11:49:00

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