I’m still very conscious and cautious of behaviours
And was quite nervous going to our first concert last week. I think the key as Norway said is to avoid the indoor crowding and concourse crush - so arrive early, leave a little later? And I know that masks are more about you not spreading rather than preventative but wearing one sends out that signal that you want safe behaviours. In the end though you won’t enjoy if you can’t relax - just hope you do get to go and all is well.
Posted By: camcan on August 8th 2021 at 22:17:41
Message Thread
- Just gently wondering re Liverpool game: (NCFC) - Curnster, Aug 8, 21:06:11
- Bloke who sits in front of me has a shop and keeps holding his nose for some reason (n/m) (NCFC) - Old Splat, Aug 8, 23:21:25
- I've messaged (NCFC) - MrSpud43, Aug 8, 23:16:47
- Went into city centre today few wearing masks in shops or pubs (NCFC) - Larry Hagman, Aug 8, 22:47:36
- I’m still very conscious and cautious of behaviours (NCFC) - camcan, Aug 8, 22:17:41
- As an oldie (fully vaccinated) I understand, but the world must move on (NCFC) - Saucerer, Aug 8, 22:17:17
- i'm more concerned about how many we will concede (n/m) (NCFC) - lord_luck, Aug 8, 22:00:28
- The bloke I sit behind is a salad and deodorant denier (n/m) (NCFC) - Augustus Pablo, Aug 8, 21:54:58
- We're creatures of habit (NCFC) - Trent_Canary, Aug 8, 21:49:47
- I say hide behind your sofa forever (NCFC) - Disco, Aug 8, 21:46:04
- Hi Pukki Pies (n/m) (NCFC) - lurd, Aug 8, 22:14:15
- This forum seems to be a magnet for idiotic comments (NCFC) - Tier2canary, Aug 8, 22:09:16
- Yes , a real nightmare for the overwhelming (NCFC) - Disco, Aug 8, 22:12:47
- Firstly (NCFC) - Disco, Aug 8, 21:55:54
- Hey mate (NCFC) - norwaay, Aug 8, 22:31:19
- Oh no ... how will I cope (NCFC) - Disco, Aug 8, 22:40:16
- That's more like it. (n/m) (NCFC) - norwaay, Aug 8, 22:50:40
- Oh no ... how will I cope (NCFC) - Disco, Aug 8, 22:40:16
- Hey mate (NCFC) - norwaay, Aug 8, 22:31:19
- What a fucking thing to say to someone who was shielding (NCFC) - SCC 28, Aug 8, 21:53:53
- Thanks SCC but I couldn't care less. (NCFC) - Curnster, Aug 8, 22:07:43
- Why is that not sensible? (NCFC) - Disco, Aug 8, 22:11:38
- Did his sofa shield him? (NCFC) - Disco, Aug 8, 21:56:39
- Thanks SCC but I couldn't care less. (NCFC) - Curnster, Aug 8, 22:07:43
- Hey mate (NCFC) - norwaay, Aug 8, 21:49:31
- I'm sure lots of people will have doubts or anxiety about going (NCFC) - Ben, Aug 8, 21:32:34
- Almost no-one wearing masks in the toilets at the (NCFC) - jamesward, Aug 8, 21:30:01
- Same where we were (NCFC) - BungysPie, Aug 8, 23:16:56
- From speaking with friends, it certainly feels like you’re not alone. (n/m) (NCFC) - lurd, Aug 8, 21:28:07
- It's a fair point and I understand why you might be worried. (NCFC) - norwaay, Aug 8, 21:19:58
- You can be vaccinated and still get it (NCFC) - inutero, Aug 8, 21:17:32
- I doubt he will do it again unless he rises from his grave. (n/m) (NCFC) - Malkybarneedledick, Aug 8, 21:20:38
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