Absolutely fine other than a very slightly sore arm.
Posted By: Saucerer on March 11th 2021 at 20:16:34
Message Thread
- Astra Zeneca jab... I had it a couple of weeks back and didnt notice any ill effects at (General Chat) - promethian1, Mar 11, 19:55:16
- All good for me and my wife (n/m) (General Chat) - earlydoors, Mar 11, 21:00:53
- Sore arm... (General Chat) - BungysPie, Mar 11, 20:29:41
- In general younger people are more likely they are to have side effects (n/m) (General Chat) - jAC, Mar 11, 20:20:18
- Well I fit the pattern for this trend! (n/m) (General Chat) - promethian1, Mar 11, 20:21:26
- Absolutely fine other than a very slightly sore arm. (n/m) (General Chat) - Saucerer, Mar 11, 20:16:34
- Heavy arm for a couple of days and a bit under the weather for a day (General Chat) - Old Man, Mar 11, 20:16:27
- Not had mine yet (General Chat) - Kangol Canary, Mar 11, 20:13:55
- Almost nothing (General Chat) - rosarios_school_tie, Mar 11, 20:11:47
- injection site was sore for a few days, similar to the flu jab (n/m) (General Chat) - watfordcanary, Mar 11, 20:06:23
- within my circle of friends in the UK, many of them were affected by a day of 'flu'. (General Chat) - shoddy, Mar 11, 19:59:14
- I guess if you have already had COVID (which I possibly did in Feb last year) then (General Chat) - promethian1, Mar 11, 20:06:06
- I think thats right (n/m) (General Chat) - shoddy, Mar 11, 20:09:28
- I guess if you have already had COVID (which I possibly did in Feb last year) then (General Chat) - promethian1, Mar 11, 20:06:06
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