Ah, The Dragon 32...
Dan Diamond Is Lost In Space
Pettigrews Diary
Ring Of Darkness
Wanted to be different. Everyone else had the Sinclair Spectrum.
Wasn't long after getting the Dragon 32 I wished i had as well.
Still, at least I wasn't the kid with the Oric-1...
There was a Dragon 64 as well. Hardcore.
Posted By: Martin Peters on January 7th 2020 at 09:16:22
Message Thread
- 38 years ago today, the Commodore 64 was launched at CES. (Other Sports) - shoddy, Jan 7, 08:37:07
- I started out with an Amstrad CPC464 (with green screen) (Other Sports) - Karnivore, Jan 7, 14:37:52
- YES (n/m) (Other Sports) - essexcanaryOTBC, Jan 7, 13:10:14
- We got a Commodore PET at school... (Other Sports) - Worthing Yellow, Jan 7, 12:10:15
- Spectrum 48k. (Other Sports) - Garry Brooke, Jan 7, 11:40:36
- WOTEF was awesome (n/m) (Other Sports) - Steve in Holland, Jan 7, 13:20:17
- How many quickshot joysticks died from Daley Thomson? (Other Sports) - megson, Jan 7, 12:04:45
- Amstrad CPC128, ugraded to Amiga 500 then 1200 (Other Sports) - megson, Jan 7, 11:38:28
- Yeah and had Emlyn Hughes soccer on it. (Other Sports) - I Am Hoot, Jan 7, 11:14:45
- 15 a side?! (n/m) (Other Sports) - DH Yellow, Jan 7, 11:39:57
- Never had a computer at the family home! Only a Grandstand video console, (n/m) (Other Sports) - Augustus Pablo, Jan 7, 10:54:10
- I didn't but my best mate did and we played *a lot* of Track and Field* 😊 (Other Sports) - norway, Jan 7, 10:27:05
- Track and field and Hyper sports available on nintendo switch (n/m) (Other Sports) - littletinyphil, Jan 7, 10:16:31
- On a related note (Other Sports) - SCC 28, Jan 7, 10:15:02
- i still play Worms on the Xbox with the Scrampton Jnrs (Other Sports) - Ralf Scrampton, Jan 7, 10:19:56
- Teacher family, we had the mighty BBC 32k. Hours playing Elite. (n/m) (Other Sports) - DrDublin, Jan 7, 10:13:36
- Commodore 16 (n/m) (Other Sports) - Ralf Scrampton, Jan 7, 09:22:06
- Yep had my brothers old hand me down original 64 (Other Sports) - eddie, Jan 7, 09:08:54
- That’s a lot of tuck money. I had an amiga too. Was my final one of the old school (Other Sports) - Steve in Holland, Jan 7, 09:12:49
- Yeah actualy think I managed to save about half (Other Sports) - eddie, Jan 7, 09:22:55
- 30. Although I’m pretty sure it will be at least 39 (n/m) (Other Sports) - Steve in Holland, Jan 7, 09:13:10
- That’s a lot of tuck money. I had an amiga too. Was my final one of the old school (Other Sports) - Steve in Holland, Jan 7, 09:12:49
- Yes!! Loved it. Krazy Car and Blagger were awesome! (n/m) (Other Sports) - admckechnie, Jan 7, 09:08:31
- Dragon 32. Down with the cool kids. (n/m) (Other Sports) - Tricky Hawes, Jan 7, 08:49:46
- Ah, The Dragon 32... (Other Sports) - Martin Peters, Jan 7, 09:16:22
- Made in Wales' tech heartland of Port Talbot (Other Sports) - APB, Jan 7, 08:53:29
- Yes. Favourite game, kick off 2. Always played World Cup, as Italy I think. (Other Sports) - DH Yellow, Jan 7, 08:48:40
- The above was the Amiga not Commodore wasn’t it. Rambo was a great game for the C64 (n/m) (Other Sports) - DH Yellow, Jan 7, 11:41:32
- I didn't but a friend did and we often played Impossible Mission (Other Sports) - APB, Jan 7, 08:48:31
- I had a ZX81 then a Spectrum. I pretended I thought it was better than a C64 which of (Other Sports) - Adster, Jan 7, 08:41:17
- It was if you were coding. (n/m) (Other Sports) - Steve in Holland, Jan 7, 09:08:29
- Not with those rubber keys (Other Sports) - Adster, Jan 7, 09:42:45
- They saw the future... (Other Sports) - Steve in Holland, Jan 7, 09:47:26
- Not with those rubber keys (Other Sports) - Adster, Jan 7, 09:42:45
- It was if you were coding. (n/m) (Other Sports) - Steve in Holland, Jan 7, 09:08:29
- I was born in 1982 but we had one in our house until we replaced it with an Atari. (n/m) (Other Sports) - tim berry, Jan 7, 08:41:03
- Eventually. Had a ZX81 and then a spectrum 48k first. (Other Sports) - Steve in Holland, Jan 7, 08:39:23
- I had a 48k as a hand-me-down from my cousin's when they upgraded (Other Sports) - city_lad, Jan 7, 10:41:57
- I did the ZX81, Spectrum 48 then Acorn Electron. (n/m) (Other Sports) - avenging canary, Jan 7, 08:55:08
- my best mate had a BBC. I ended up with a 16k spectrum. (Other Sports) - shoddy, Jan 7, 08:46:19
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