he scored a ghoul
in the top corner
Posted By: Chris Peacock on October 15th 2019 at 10:29:36
Message Thread
- Ferrari's departure clearly making a difference (NCFC) - Henclrikus, Oct 15, 09:57:45
- That's like someone writing in a second language (NCFC) - Tricky Hawes, Oct 15, 15:13:09
- An absolute heap of whack. (n/m) (NCFC) - APB, Oct 15, 14:59:36
- Freezing night ? This was the Norfolk Dereham, right ? (n/m) (NCFC) - helvegtheowl, Oct 15, 14:44:00
- So many Germans... (NCFC) - McGill, Oct 15, 13:52:09
- Its a bit like Barkley and Rashford (NCFC) - strap_on sally, Oct 15, 13:45:08
- Reads like a school magazine report (NCFC) - Old Git, Oct 15, 13:39:00
- It reads like Jimmy Bullard dictated it (n/m) (NCFC) - jAC, Oct 15, 12:54:51
- Someone's having a laugh aren't they? (NCFC) - Chalk Hill Bitter, Oct 15, 12:36:06
- maybe it's someone from the U18s writing it (n/m) (NCFC) - CWC, Oct 15, 12:50:26
- Yes, they won't have sent a club journo to an U18 game (NCFC) - duke of york, Oct 15, 13:00:21
- maybe it's someone from the U18s writing it (n/m) (NCFC) - CWC, Oct 15, 12:50:26
- A bit USA style for me, language choices "interesting" (n/m) (NCFC) - Worthing Yellow, Oct 15, 12:26:26
- Top Bins, shooting practice target....get wiv it grandad..they are beast (n/m) (NCFC) - BSE Canary, Oct 15, 12:22:56
- "with Parsons sure to see his name on that scoresheet in the 24th minute." What (n/m) (NCFC) - megson, Oct 15, 11:20:52
- What does that even mean? (n/m) (NCFC) - Steve in Holland, Oct 15, 10:27:29
- he scored a ghoul (NCFC) - Chris Peacock, Oct 15, 10:29:36
- That is admittedly terrible. Half of it makes no sense. (n/m) (NCFC) - Jim, Oct 15, 10:08:47
- Not even sure he's been properly replaced has he? (n/m) (NCFC) - duke of york, Oct 15, 10:06:43
- No idea what is going on. (n/m) (NCFC) - Henclrikus, Oct 15, 10:50:42
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