Swedish Wicker Man
Posted By: inutero on July 8th 2019 at 06:33:37
Message Thread
- Just watched Midsommar in the cinema. (General Chat) - tim berry, Jul 8, 00:18:51
- I’ve heard some say it’s terrible and others saying it’s amazing... (General Chat) - Dog, Jul 8, 09:26:04
- A bit like Blair Witch then? Either works or it doesn't (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Jul 8, 13:27:16
- 6 People walked out of my showing (General Chat) - inutero, Jul 8, 10:30:03
- It’s so unlike anything else recent that people will either love it or hate it. (General Chat) - tim berry, Jul 8, 09:44:07
- I thought it was incredible, I'm going to go back and see it again I think (n/m) (General Chat) - Adster, Jul 8, 10:18:07
- Swedish Wicker Man (n/m) (General Chat) - inutero, Jul 8, 06:33:37
- IMO (General Chat) - A new PC Mr Creosote, Jul 8, 01:28:55
- I’ve heard some say it’s terrible and others saying it’s amazing... (General Chat) - Dog, Jul 8, 09:26:04
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