The club can't know the answer to that
Depends how many people who went to 10 away games last season buy tickets to away games this year (vs the allocation we get for each game).
Guess they could tell us how many people went to 10 away games last season - if their data and systems are good enough for them to actually know. Even then though, do we know what our allocation will be for each game? If not then v hard to know what the chances of getting a ticket will be for each game. And will also depend on how many people buy each type of membership - which again, they can't know in advance.
Posted By: Tricky Hawes on June 12th 2019 at 09:30:54
Message Thread
- New membership schemes for this season (NCFC) - Jester, Jun 12, 06:21:01
- IMHO....if you didn't buy a season ticket last season... (NCFC) - usacanary, Jun 12, 16:18:20
- Way too little information here (NCFC) - Mecagoenti, Jun 12, 09:27:03
- my shares have meant diddly-squat for quite a while now (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Jun 12, 09:44:02
- yeah, it was pretty shitty to phase out benefits like that (NCFC) - Mecagoenti, Jun 12, 09:50:55
- It won’t guarantee a ticket. Only 1500 casual tickets for some homes (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 09:38:41
- Well so what? (NCFC) - usacanary, Jun 12, 16:12:18
- The club can't know the answer to that (NCFC) - Tricky Hawes, Jun 12, 09:30:54
- 750 - "City have ring-fenced a priority group of 750 people that were either away season t (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Jun 12, 09:37:05
- well they can know if they are going to cap each 'membership' level (NCFC) - Mecagoenti, Jun 12, 09:34:32
- Yep, I wondered if they are going to cap premier memberships or not (NCFC) - Tricky Hawes, Jun 12, 09:39:59
- I can see exactly how many away tickets I purchased last year (NCFC) - Yellalee, Jun 12, 10:00:32
- yeah, financially it definitely makes no sense for the club to cap it (NCFC) - Mecagoenti, Jun 12, 09:43:55
- "There will be no official cap on the number of memberships sold, although it is believed (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Jun 12, 09:39:01
- Yep, I wondered if they are going to cap premier memberships or not (NCFC) - Tricky Hawes, Jun 12, 09:39:59
- my shares have meant diddly-squat for quite a while now (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Jun 12, 09:44:02
- so does this mean (NCFC) - Ghost Ship Belly, Jun 12, 09:23:04
- Gutted by this. My 1450 away points down the drain. Now need to find £50! (n/m) (NCFC) - col canary, Jun 12, 09:10:12
- So are the two schemes separate? (NCFC) - BungysPie, Jun 12, 08:55:28
- Club have completely fucked up here. Consultation my arse. (n/m) (NCFC) - Yellalee, Jun 12, 08:49:12
- They’ve got together with the club canary mafia and had a chat and (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:57:38
- Well, this doesn't affect the number of tickets available (NCFC) - Tricky Hawes, Jun 12, 09:23:06
- YEs this. Also if tickets go on general sale presumably you (NCFC) - Pixelman, Jun 12, 09:52:30
- They are still £50 worse off (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 09:45:00
- Ah right, my bad (NCFC) - Tricky Hawes, Jun 12, 10:00:12
- 'We're custodians of this place and we have to make sure that we leave it in a better plac (NCFC) - Tombs, Jun 12, 09:58:11
- Agreed (n/m) (NCFC) - Yellalee, Jun 12, 09:05:06
- Well, this doesn't affect the number of tickets available (NCFC) - Tricky Hawes, Jun 12, 09:23:06
- They’ve got together with the club canary mafia and had a chat and (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:57:38
- Big picture (NCFC) - King, Jun 12, 08:45:56
- Membership, for me Clive, used to be about being a supporter of the club.... (NCFC) - JD3, Jun 12, 08:44:02
- Another thing flowing from this is that (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:37:40
- You do. You are in window 3 instead of 4. (NCFC) - King, Jun 12, 08:48:09
- His point is that if you miss 2 home games (quite realistic) (NCFC) - jAC, Jun 12, 08:51:19
- Lol good luck buying casual tickets. (n/m) (NCFC) - usacanary, Jun 12, 16:20:09
- His point is that if you miss 2 home games (quite realistic) (NCFC) - jAC, Jun 12, 08:51:19
- You do. You are in window 3 instead of 4. (NCFC) - King, Jun 12, 08:48:09
- As a season ticket holder who goes to quite a few away (NCFC) - APB, Jun 12, 08:22:50
- Agree - as I posted below, the implementation is wrong (n/m) (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Jun 12, 08:26:27
- That for me is the annoyance. Surely you phase out one system over a season (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:26:25
- My reading of this is (NCFC) - Moritz Moutarde, Jun 12, 08:40:10
- Yes that’s the thing they’ve added at the last minute apparently if (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:45:29
- Agreed Jim - history should have been built into the new system (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Jun 12, 08:29:06
- Should purely be done on away points & only points accrued by attending away matches (n/m) (NCFC) - Azteca, Jun 12, 08:35:52
- My reading of this is (NCFC) - Moritz Moutarde, Jun 12, 08:40:10
- A bit in the wrong place there... (n/m) (NCFC) - APB, Jun 12, 08:25:55
- Welcome to the Premier League (n/m) (NCFC) - APB, Jun 12, 08:13:24
- yup, same shizzle different dizzle (NCFC) - Tombs, Jun 12, 08:22:59
- casual fan who pays £50 priority membership gets away ticks before season ticket holder... (NCFC) - biffbro, Jun 12, 08:05:40
- I think members and ST Holders should've had the same away point boost, not 500 vs 1000 (NCFC) - JD3, Jun 12, 08:30:48
- Looks like how it is..... (NCFC) - maidstoneyellow, Jun 12, 08:13:21
- The other cynical thing is they go on sale at 9am which means (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:16:37
- on the plus side, all the games will be on the telly (NCFC) - Tombs, Jun 12, 08:19:12
- The other cynical thing is they go on sale at 9am which means (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:16:37
- The issue is how this is being implemented (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Jun 12, 08:13:15
- Some ST holders are already long distance travellers when they go to home games. (NCFC) - biffbro, Jun 12, 08:22:11
- totally get why they allowed the holiday inn to be built in the corner now (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Jun 12, 09:22:03
- VMT (n/m) (NCFC) - Azteca, Jun 12, 08:14:33
- Some ST holders are already long distance travellers when they go to home games. (NCFC) - biffbro, Jun 12, 08:22:11
- Agree with some of the points below but I'm sure the club will have done their research (NCFC) - Chris Peacock, Jun 12, 07:43:05
- Only research they will have done is how many they think they can sell and (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 07:59:53
- depends on how many games a non-season ticket holder can get to (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Jun 12, 08:06:31
- The home memberships are not the issue here (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:17:56
- they did send out a "tweet" about it tbf (NCFC) - Tombs, Jun 12, 08:05:31
- depends on how many games a non-season ticket holder can get to (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Jun 12, 08:06:31
- Only research they will have done is how many they think they can sell and (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 07:59:53
- I'm pleased ST Holders no longer get an advantage for away tickets (n/m) (NCFC) - Azteca, Jun 12, 07:38:05
- Bollocks. ST holders especially those who are not local are prejudiced again. (NCFC) - biffbro, Jun 12, 08:17:10
- Don’t dispute that but the ST price now too high. (NCFC) - biffbro, Jun 12, 08:30:07
- Yes, I agree (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Jun 12, 08:38:36
- A guaranteed seat is worth quite a lot this season though (n/m) (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Jun 12, 08:22:51
- Don’t dispute that but the ST price now too high. (NCFC) - biffbro, Jun 12, 08:30:07
- Bollocks. ST holders especially those who are not local are prejudiced again. (NCFC) - biffbro, Jun 12, 08:17:10
- Of course my ST guarantees my seat each week, but at £510 it only now saves me £60 over (NCFC) - Augustus Pablo, Jun 12, 07:30:54
- Toby Tickets? (n/m) (NCFC) - essexcanaryOTBC, Jun 12, 08:18:08
- same situation (NCFC) - ghostof barry butler, Jun 12, 07:46:58
- Bugger (n/m) (NCFC) - Augustus Pablo, Jun 12, 07:13:40
- So local Man U fans just pay £50 membership and get priority for tickets..WTF (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Jun 12, 07:01:31
- Why would local Man U fans do that? (n/m) (NCFC) - loz, Jun 12, 07:05:54
- to sit in the home stands (NCFC) - Tombs, Jun 12, 07:07:09
- But thousands will have it so would they really go to that length... (NCFC) - loz, Jun 12, 07:15:12
- Yes (n/m) (NCFC) - jAC, Jun 12, 07:17:38
- Never underestimate a plastic.... (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Jun 12, 09:25:38
- Yes (n/m) (NCFC) - jAC, Jun 12, 07:17:38
- But thousands will have it so would they really go to that length... (NCFC) - loz, Jun 12, 07:15:12
- to sit in the home stands (NCFC) - Tombs, Jun 12, 07:07:09
- Why would local Man U fans do that? (n/m) (NCFC) - loz, Jun 12, 07:05:54
- Not happy. Not a good way to treat loyal fans. (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 06:40:39
- There was a fans consultation according to this tweet (NCFC) - KentonCanary, Jun 12, 07:38:40
- What that means is they adapted it so the fans in their little group (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:02:48
- Consulatation was after system agreed (NCFC) - trt354, Jun 12, 08:54:05
- What happens after this season? (n/m) (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 09:47:46
- Consulatation was after system agreed (NCFC) - trt354, Jun 12, 08:54:05
- What that means is they adapted it so the fans in their little group (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:02:48
- Away season tickets & points system has worked really well (NCFC) - trt354, Jun 12, 07:18:41
- The only problem with the away points system was when (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:05:29
- The season ticket priority for away games annoyed me yep... (NCFC) - JD3, Jun 12, 08:19:15
- That could have been fixed though quite easily (n/m) (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:28:25
- The season ticket priority for away games annoyed me yep... (NCFC) - JD3, Jun 12, 08:19:15
- The only problem with the away points system was when (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:05:29
- Doubt there’s a financial gain with cheaper casual prices? (n/m) (NCFC) - loz, Jun 12, 06:52:44
- Which they had to do anyway and not cheaper than last season really (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 06:57:28
- What’s the comparison to a grade A prem club last time out... (NCFC) - loz, Jun 12, 06:58:18
- Point is they have to cap prices for away fans. Can hardly charge home fans more (n/m) (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 07:18:24
- Every other prem club did last year bar Huddersfield ? (n/m) (NCFC) - loz, Jun 12, 07:30:54
- £38 for a ticket in the River End lower to watch Villa in 2015 (n/m) (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Jun 12, 07:15:17
- £33 for the same seat in the Champs in 2014 against Brighton (n/m) (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Jun 12, 07:16:38
- How about United and city etc... (NCFC) - loz, Jun 12, 07:16:01
- hoorah for our legions of casual fans (NCFC) - Tombs, Jun 12, 07:28:06
- the increase in membership will make it more expensive for the more casual casual fan (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Jun 12, 08:02:26
- Presumably there was some kind of consultation process ... (NCFC) - loz, Jun 12, 07:32:07
- There was, I did a reply to Jim above (n/m) (NCFC) - KentonCanary, Jun 12, 07:41:07
- Appears they met a few fans who kicked off about it. It then appears they added the (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:22:48
- There was, I did a reply to Jim above (n/m) (NCFC) - KentonCanary, Jun 12, 07:41:07
- hoorah for our legions of casual fans (NCFC) - Tombs, Jun 12, 07:28:06
- Point is they have to cap prices for away fans. Can hardly charge home fans more (n/m) (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 07:18:24
- What’s the comparison to a grade A prem club last time out... (NCFC) - loz, Jun 12, 06:58:18
- Which they had to do anyway and not cheaper than last season really (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 06:57:28
- not happy either, feel royally fucked over by the club (NCFC) - Tombs, Jun 12, 06:50:28
- “Community club” my a**e. The one time they don’t need to they screw the fans over (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 06:51:33
- There was a fans consultation according to this tweet (NCFC) - KentonCanary, Jun 12, 07:38:40
- As a season ticket holder who went to about 7 away games last season (NCFC) - Duck, Jun 12, 06:27:04
- get the chance to watch every home game... (NCFC) - usacanary, Jun 12, 16:23:26
- Same here (NCFC) - BungysPie, Jun 12, 06:48:30
- It’s really very poor and very unnecessary (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 06:43:58
- We are similar (NCFC) - Jester, Jun 12, 06:36:19
- Same here and bearing in mind places like Spurs only have 3k away seats, we ain’t got a (NCFC) - Augustus Pablo, Jun 12, 07:16:34
- very much this (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Jun 12, 07:28:49
- That depends on how many away priority members there will be (n/m) (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Jun 12, 06:37:32
- Same here and bearing in mind places like Spurs only have 3k away seats, we ain’t got a (NCFC) - Augustus Pablo, Jun 12, 07:16:34
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