Exactly, Brexit became a nostalgia vote for many people. We all, me included, think things
were better 'back then' (for me its that I never had social media at school like my kids will, that terrifies me).
Brexit gave a lot of people the chance to vote to go back to the 'good old days'.
That is essentially how it has been spun, Blitz Spirit, remember the empire etc etc, and people have grabbed that opportunity.
Posted By: megson on March 15th 2019 at 10:36:36
Message Thread
- good morning to all the racists on this board (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, Mar 15, 07:47:59
- Sadly I think there was a "bloody foreigners" factor in some of the leave vote. (n/m) (General Chat) - MORDENCANARY, Mar 15, 13:56:55
- Silly. (General Chat) - tim berry, Mar 15, 11:11:20
- literally no one says that all leave voters are racists (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Mar 15, 15:12:36
- You should work in TV news (General Chat) - Ben, Mar 15, 09:30:42
- We should have a people's vote (General Chat) - Chris Peacock, Mar 15, 09:43:41
- True story (General Chat) - Under soil heating, Mar 15, 09:25:04
- Exactly, Brexit became a nostalgia vote for many people. We all, me included, think things (General Chat) - megson, Mar 15, 10:36:36
- Excellent post USH. Agree with everything except (General Chat) - Dunney, Mar 15, 10:13:37
- Yes let's just forget about any pretense at democracy. Fuck that. (n/m) (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Mar 15, 10:24:11
- Ah yes. The 'seeing if people have changed their minds is undemocratic' argument. (n/m) (General Chat) - Dunney, Mar 15, 10:46:21
- Sometimes it's better to enact the result of the vote (General Chat) - Basingstoke_Canary_J, Mar 15, 11:29:56
- Well (General Chat) - Dunney, Mar 15, 13:23:38
- Tells you that everyone's bored and knackered! (n/m) (General Chat) - paulg, Mar 15, 17:01:52
- *applauds* the fact that none of the brexiters replied to this truth tells you everyhting (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Mar 15, 16:08:46
- Not if people have decided they no longer want to enact that decision, as it is not (General Chat) - megson, Mar 15, 12:13:20
- We are a remarkably tolerant country... (General Chat) - Pablo, Mar 15, 12:25:35
- In terms of racial tolerance (General Chat) - paulg, Mar 15, 13:08:03
- We are a remarkably tolerant country... (General Chat) - Pablo, Mar 15, 12:25:35
- Well (General Chat) - Dunney, Mar 15, 13:23:38
- Sometimes it's better to enact the result of the vote (General Chat) - Basingstoke_Canary_J, Mar 15, 11:29:56
- Ah yes. The 'seeing if people have changed their minds is undemocratic' argument. (n/m) (General Chat) - Dunney, Mar 15, 10:46:21
- Yes let's just forget about any pretense at democracy. Fuck that. (n/m) (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Mar 15, 10:24:11
- It's a straightforward point which you are deliberately misinterpreting. (General Chat) - norway, Mar 15, 08:32:01
- I know several racists who voted to stay (General Chat) - paulg, Mar 15, 09:45:37
- that's the problem - complexity and nuance never got a look-in in this fiasco, from the (General Chat) - Higher Wrather, Mar 15, 10:12:42
- I cldn't agree more (General Chat) - paulg, Mar 15, 10:27:14
- And are indeed illegal in Germany, for example. (n/m) (General Chat) - APB, Mar 15, 10:58:44
- and yet work very well in Switzerland (n/m) (General Chat) - Pablo, Mar 15, 12:30:32
- And are indeed illegal in Germany, for example. (n/m) (General Chat) - APB, Mar 15, 10:58:44
- I cldn't agree more (General Chat) - paulg, Mar 15, 10:27:14
- that's the problem - complexity and nuance never got a look-in in this fiasco, from the (General Chat) - Higher Wrather, Mar 15, 10:12:42
- I think we know already he will say anything for a bit of attention (n/m) (General Chat) - Basingstoke_Canary_J, Mar 15, 08:50:21
- I know several racists who voted to stay (General Chat) - paulg, Mar 15, 09:45:37
- Good morning then (n/m) (General Chat) - Basingstoke_Canary_J, Mar 15, 08:21:06
- Your logic concludes......... (General Chat) - Highlander, Mar 15, 08:09:01
- Erm, not sure how you define logic gobb and Highlander (General Chat) - Yellalee, Mar 15, 08:30:36
- Think we need a Venn diagram (n/m) (General Chat) - Steve in Holland, Mar 15, 09:51:00
- Did you know that John Venn built a bowling machine? (General Chat) - paulg, Mar 15, 10:03:20
- Think we need a Venn diagram (n/m) (General Chat) - Steve in Holland, Mar 15, 09:51:00
- hmmm.... 65% of the electorate didn't vote for Brexit. (n/m) (General Chat) - Pixelman, Mar 15, 08:20:44
- Young people under 25 tend to be remained..... (General Chat) - MORDENCANARY, Mar 15, 13:59:50
- hey not my logic (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, Mar 15, 08:12:10
- Great quote, only thing missing were the quotation marks. (n/m) (General Chat) - Basingstoke_Canary_J, Mar 15, 08:57:15
- Well it was nobody else's logic... (n/m) (General Chat) - Yellalee, Mar 15, 08:43:13
- Erm, not sure how you define logic gobb and Highlander (General Chat) - Yellalee, Mar 15, 08:30:36
- Yawn (n/m) (General Chat) - yarmouthyellow, Mar 15, 08:00:06
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