Impossible to be sure but very unlikely they've been "monitoring"
If they know the password they've probably put a password cracker on and got in. You have to assume every email in your account has been read by them so to the extent you have sensitive information there: passwords to other sites in email, financial, medical or other sensitive information, yes they know it.
I personally would - right now - do the following, in order:
1) change the email password to a strong hard to guess password. Lots of advice online on how to choose one of those.
2) change the password on all your online accounts which *might* have been compromised in the same way, OR for which you use the same password as your email.
3) report this attempt at extortion to the police. But only *after* you've done both of the above things.
They are claiming to have your web browsing history. Very, very unlikely that they actually do. Sometimes they'll claim to have hacked into your webcam and again it's very unlikely they actually have.
Posted By: Old Man on October 22nd 2018 at 12:34:09
Message Thread
- Wrath Techy Advice Please (General Chat) - Old Splat, Oct 22, 12:29:42
- errrr.... Dont use hotmail...... (General Chat) - usacanary, Oct 22, 16:57:58
- Thanks all for the good advice :-) (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Splat, Oct 22, 14:13:58
- did they get your password?..... (General Chat) - usacanary, Oct 22, 16:58:57
- I’ve had the same the last 2/3 days (General Chat) - Pukki Pies, Oct 22, 14:05:08
- THREE (3) hotmail accounts? That's well rum imho. (n/m) (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Oct 22, 14:00:02
- Use one for the usual web buying and (General Chat) - Old Splat, Oct 22, 14:11:48
- I got one of those a while back. As I have absolutely nothing that (General Chat) - CB41, Oct 22, 13:14:12
- I did change all my passwords though, to random pass phrases though (General Chat) - CB41, Oct 22, 13:16:16
- oh, and I deleted the email account as well (n/m) (General Chat) - CB41, Oct 22, 13:23:22
- I did change all my passwords though, to random pass phrases though (General Chat) - CB41, Oct 22, 13:16:16
- That sounds like the exact same email we've had in to a couple of work emails (General Chat) - megson, Oct 22, 12:55:07
- tell us what sites you've been visiting and we'll come to some concesus over whether you'v (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Oct 22, 12:37:31
- Just make sure that you've changed all your passwords and none of those mentioned are (General Chat) - Steve in Holland, Oct 22, 12:37:05
- Thanks for that. I don't have a webcam they just said (General Chat) - Old Splat, Oct 22, 14:03:45
- Firstly: (General Chat) - Bungle, Oct 22, 12:36:56
- Did both and nothing found. Cheers (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Splat, Oct 22, 14:42:42
- To be honest you must have been compromised through at least one data breach or (General Chat) - Steve in Holland, Oct 22, 16:32:59
- Thanks for that will do (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Splat, Oct 22, 14:04:40
- Did both and nothing found. Cheers (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Splat, Oct 22, 14:42:42
- Impossible to be sure but very unlikely they've been "monitoring" (General Chat) - Old Man, Oct 22, 12:34:09
- Thanks for that. Will do as you advise (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Splat, Oct 22, 14:06:21
- Agree - change passwords. (General Chat) - maidstoneyellow, Oct 22, 12:37:12
- Thanks. As I said like everyone I get (General Chat) - Old Splat, Oct 22, 14:09:02
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