Mind I couldn’t stand that side kick bloke, was it Matt?
Posted By: Augustus Pablo on October 22nd 2018 at 12:01:23
Message Thread
- Mayo and Whiley (not the Grime artist) show to end (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, Oct 22, 11:44:33
- TBF, he's made it pretty clear its down to his writing taking off and not being able to do (General Chat) - megson, Oct 22, 12:58:58
- Nope. (General Chat) - Bungle, Oct 22, 11:46:18
- Shame Simon is leaving though. (General Chat) - Bungle, Oct 22, 11:47:59
- I liked confessions, but then I heard a story exactly the same (General Chat) - maidstoneyellow, Oct 22, 12:14:29
- Probably of to Smooth in the not to distant future. (n/m) (General Chat) - Trent_Canary, Oct 22, 12:13:11
- Mind I couldn’t stand that side kick bloke, was it Matt? (n/m) (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, Oct 22, 12:01:23
- Shame Simon is leaving though. (General Chat) - Bungle, Oct 22, 11:47:59
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