Find it strange that an investigative journalist should be

thought of as having 'strong views'. I follow what she is doing/saying and quite frankly we'd all do well to listen. Democracy is defined by open and free journalism and when you look at the balance in the newspapers it is predominantly on the right. But a free press is essential and that is why Trump and his like have attacked it and coined the expression 'fake news'. This then appeals to those who could be paraphrased as "none as blind as those who don't want to see".
What worries me most, as someone who believes politically the country is best served pretty much down the middle, is that opposition is starting to be seen as somehow subversive where I would argue that it is essential to having a healthy democracy and ultimately the best for our country. (My apologies, steps off soapbox!)

Posted By: Chopper on July 24th 2018 at 12:44:59

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