Has skippdogg had any ITK stuff before?...
Was quite specific around sell on clauses etc
Posted By: loz on May 9th 2018 at 08:46:00
Message Thread
- Maddison to Leicester (NCFC) - Knitted Jesus, May 9, 08:38:22
- Suggested on Twitter (so must be true) (NCFC) - revsimon, May 9, 10:13:07
- Would stick in the craw a little, Leicester FFS. Still we are where we are. (NCFC) - megson, May 9, 08:59:34
- Can't really begrudge losing him to last season's Champions League QF-ists. (n/m) (NCFC) - norway, May 9, 10:06:08
- Yeah I know, its just Leicester, but you're right they are where they are (NCFC) - megson, May 9, 10:19:42
- Exactly. Was more irritating when they could take Eadie off us. And O'Neill. (n/m) (NCFC) - pab, May 9, 10:07:22
- I can imagine Coventry fans thinking similarly back when we got him (NCFC) - Dracula, May 9, 09:17:47
- Yep you're probably right there. (n/m) (NCFC) - megson, May 9, 09:23:54
- Can't really begrudge losing him to last season's Champions League QF-ists. (n/m) (NCFC) - norway, May 9, 10:06:08
- Has skippdogg had any ITK stuff before?... (NCFC) - loz, May 9, 08:46:00
- As long as we get over 20M I’m not bothered where he goes (n/m) (NCFC) - thirsty work, May 9, 08:43:57
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