I liked this bit
"The kind of all-too-common, delicate football-going flowers who are only too happy to dish out relentless abuse but swoon like Victorian ladies when any comes back their way, they had taken exception to being told to “Fuck off!” by their manager when Ipswich took a lead they would go on to lose against Norwich in the most recent derby."
Posted By: CB41 on April 13th 2018 at 14:40:39
Message Thread
- Guardian link. You’ll like it. (Other Football) - APB, Apr 13, 13:13:24
- Lovely Jubbly....(but be warned could as easily have been us) (n/m) (Other Football) - Saucerer, Apr 13, 17:10:02
- That is a brilliant article (Other Football) - earlydoors, Apr 13, 15:24:22
- "McCarthy has been forced to operate on a ridiculously tight budget, assembling his... (Other Football) - jetblackbass, Apr 13, 15:21:17
- Overcome with ennui (Other Football) - Under soil heating, Apr 13, 14:20:55
- Stupid (Other Football) - Clairvoyant Creosote, Apr 13, 13:54:56
- Oof. That last sentence. Hahahahaha (n/m) (Other Football) - Yellalee, Apr 13, 13:21:57
- I liked this bit (Other Football) - CB41, Apr 13, 14:40:39
- Book mark that for sure... (n/m) (Other Football) - I Am Hoot, Apr 13, 21:47:53
- Brilliant isn't it! (n/m) (Other Football) - megson, Apr 13, 14:22:01
- I liked this bit (Other Football) - CB41, Apr 13, 14:40:39
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