Too nazi for UKIP leader is her claim to fame
So we probably don’t need more c**ts like her tbqh
Posted By: SCC 28 on March 5th 2018 at 09:44:12
Message Thread
- Who was it posting that Football Lads Alliance shit... (General Chat) - woody, Mar 5, 00:28:27
- it was obvious they were a group of right wing twats, as Mr. Bay suggested (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Mar 5, 16:40:57
- Accordin to the FB page there is now a Democratic Football Lads Alliance as well.... (General Chat) - megson, Mar 5, 09:12:55
- So the we’re not the nazis alliance then (n/m) (General Chat) - SCC 28, Mar 5, 09:45:10
- Splitters!!!! (n/m) (General Chat) - Pixelman, Mar 5, 09:34:14
- All rather "Life of Brian" that. (n/m) (General Chat) - mike_the_sphinx, Mar 5, 09:31:59
- an LGBT activist. Fantastic news, if only there were more people like her (n/m) (General Chat) - wolfio, Mar 5, 01:02:10
- Too nazi for UKIP leader is her claim to fame (General Chat) - SCC 28, Mar 5, 09:44:12
- Right. (General Chat) - APB, Mar 5, 08:22:44
- Wolf in sheeps clothing? (n/m) (General Chat) - pants, Mar 5, 01:07:25
- Was open minded to who she is, looked her up, far right dickhead (General Chat) - pants, Mar 5, 00:51:14
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