FAO Azteca - Travel Insurance

I take it at those prices there is a degree of medical history involved as well?

Sadly they are going to a high risk area at a high risk age, its not going to be cheap.

Take care with bundled policies, come with a list of exclusions that are rarely (if ever) actually pointed out to the customers. The biggest will be restrictions around conditions. Conditions in this sense includes anything they are being treated for/taking medication for even if considered to be controlled.

We don't have an online quote option, but they could give our guys a call on 03300 563 362 it won't be that sort of price, but there is a chance we might not be able to offer cover. Those premiums make me think there is more to it than just age.

Other option is to try All Clear, they are online and specialise in older clients/thise with pre-existing conditions. Worth a try, I used to work with them in a previous life.

Hope they/you find something, I've seen the claims experience on a lot of travel books for older people, sadly its never pretty hence the premiums. The claims on Travel can be hideously expensive (£120,000 as a result of tripping over a kerb and breaking an ankle in the US for example) and premiums have to reflect this.

Posted By: megson on January 15th 2018 at 09:06:33

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  • FAO Azteca - Travel Insurance (General Chat) - megson, Jan 15, 09:06:33

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