It’s so close now that you might as well wait until the end
Otherwise you might get stung with early exit penalties.
If they owe you it should be pretty straightforward getting the cash back if you switch to another supplier
Posted By: Knitted Jesus on November 15th 2017 at 10:37:40
Message Thread
- Can anyone vouch for an energy supplier (dual fuel) that isn't a cunt, also a home insurer (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Nov 15, 09:40:38
- home insurance: TSB Pick & Protect (General Chat) - CWC, Nov 15, 14:36:39
- £100 credit link (General Chat) - Fleggster, Nov 15, 13:22:40
- Switch to 'Bulb' energy-cheapest in Sunday Times charts & get £100 credit using this link (General Chat) - pab, Nov 15, 12:25:35
- Try Iresa, online. If you know your energy usage from your last 12 months bills (General Chat) - Dunney, Nov 15, 11:28:17
- Sainsburys were offering a £100 shopping voucher to switch to them (General Chat) - Ben, Nov 15, 11:13:27
- I just use British Gas for energy and Aviva for Home Insurance. Whenever I check them (General Chat) - shortfatb, Nov 15, 10:51:50
- Use a price comparison site and find the cheapest fixed one year deal (General Chat) - Knitted Jesus, Nov 15, 09:57:56
- thats exactly what's lead to my current predicament, chased the low rate (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Nov 15, 10:00:38
- But if its not for energy you've actually used then they will owe it you back no? (General Chat) - Knitted Jesus, Nov 15, 10:02:54
- they usually try to smooth it out over the year - so Mike will underpay in the winter (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Nov 15, 10:30:53
- fixed. my contract ends in DEC but I just know in my heart it will take (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Nov 15, 10:04:37
- It’s so close now that you might as well wait until the end (General Chat) - Knitted Jesus, Nov 15, 10:37:40
- you need this (General Chat) - emmaroyds, Nov 15, 10:13:21
- no you need lots of these (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, Nov 15, 10:41:05
- But if its not for energy you've actually used then they will owe it you back no? (General Chat) - Knitted Jesus, Nov 15, 10:02:54
- thats exactly what's lead to my current predicament, chased the low rate (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Nov 15, 10:00:38
- Bulb you BULB (General Chat) - Adster, Nov 15, 09:52:15
- Is anyone here already with bulb? (General Chat) - Fleggster, Nov 15, 12:26:45
- See Pab up there ^^^^^^ (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Nov 15, 13:00:25
- lovely stuff - thank you very much for the information Adster (n/m) (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Nov 15, 09:58:39
- Is anyone here already with bulb? (General Chat) - Fleggster, Nov 15, 12:26:45
- yes (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, Nov 15, 09:43:34
- I was with eon but npower are spherical cunts, constantly putting my direct deb up (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Nov 15, 09:45:31
- Fuck yeah,npower are double cunts. (n/m) (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Nov 15, 12:03:45
- I was with eon but npower are spherical cunts, constantly putting my direct deb up (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Nov 15, 09:45:31
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