Bit unfair to say BGH was being nasty
quite the opposite given he was making the suggestion that people might want to think for a moment before judging the bloke
You don't need to have met XXL to come to a similar conclusion to BGH - there are enough clues from the years of him posting here, his behaviours and mannerism and expressions.
And 'special needs' are your words, by the way. There are all sorts of personality traits and flavours of behaviour that fall far short of what people would lump into that category. I think all BGH was saying is that people should be mindful that not everyone is like us.
As an example (and for the avoidance of doubt I'm not drawing any direct parallels here at all) more people should look out for and watch Chris Packham's recent documentary on how he copes with and has been affected by his aspergers. It's fascinating. Some people are just wired very differently to the rest of us and it doesn't make anyone 'normal' or 'not normal'. But it does sadly mean people can be perceived as being something that they are not.
I don't for one moment think XXL is ungrateful or has a sense of entitlement. I do, though, suspect he has trouble expressing himself and his emotions in the same way that the rest of us do (plus throw in the language barriers, and printed text being a s**te form of communication for getting across nuanced thoughts and feelings etc etc).
It is undoubtedly the case that he derives a completely different type of pleasure from following Norwich than the rest of us do. And our inability to relate to that is 'our' problem and not his.
Posted By: CWC on October 27th 2017 at 11:55:54
Message Thread
- So having dig at xxl year on year with mumbo jumbo superstitious bullshit (NCFC) - pants, Oct 27, 00:37:52
- Have anyone ever taken the superstitious thing seriously? (NCFC) - Bungle, Oct 27, 08:29:33
- From some of the reactions in the past when we've (NCFC) - Azteca, Oct 27, 09:27:22
- Of course not. (n/m) (NCFC) - norway, Oct 27, 09:25:44
- It’s all fun and games (NCFC) - APB, Oct 27, 09:09:23
- I was concerned when i didnt see norwich win until my 15th match! (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Oct 27, 08:41:53
- I think the issue is he's turned against everything (NCFC) - camcan, Oct 27, 07:54:30
- The club shop/trousers hissy fit is just amusing (NCFC) - Jim, Oct 27, 08:47:20
- What’s happened? (n/m) (NCFC) - I Am Hoot, Oct 27, 05:42:47
- We should be calling out the racist wanker from Monday rather than (NCFC) - berstreetsfinest, Oct 27, 01:03:36
- Maybe XXL didn't want to be his next victim by going to the Emirates (n/m) (NCFC) - essexcanaryOTBC, Oct 27, 10:49:49
- Anyone know who he was? “Get back to your own country” , bloody hell! (n/m) (NCFC) - jetblackbass, Oct 27, 08:16:14
- So passionate he didn’t bother using his arsenal ticket (NCFC) - SCC 28, Oct 27, 01:34:38
- he's passionate in another way (NCFC) - Worzel Scrimmage, Oct 27, 03:43:31
- It's a shame (NCFC) - norway, Oct 27, 07:54:28
- Without wanting to be inflamatory.. (NCFC) - maidstoneyellow, Oct 27, 10:04:30
- Bit unfair to say BGH was being nasty (NCFC) - CWC, Oct 27, 11:55:54
- That's a very fair point. (NCFC) - norway, Oct 27, 11:05:02
- it wasn't trying to be nasty, I suppose I was a knob though! (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Oct 27, 10:26:31
- have you met him? (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Oct 27, 10:22:56
- I’ve met him. And I’ve seen enough of his behaviour and using my proffesional knowledge... (NCFC) - BigGrantHolt, Oct 27, 10:20:50
- That was how I read it too (you trying to protect him) (n/m) (NCFC) - Karnivore, Oct 27, 13:13:33
- Well done. (n/m) (NCFC) - essexcanaryOTBC, Oct 27, 10:48:37
- Without wanting to be inflamatory.. (NCFC) - maidstoneyellow, Oct 27, 10:04:30
- He sounds like a spoilt kid who doesn't get his own way.... (NCFC) - WalksietheReturn, Oct 27, 07:35:45
- he will get the chance to watch us play again, he might not get the chance to watch Holt (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Oct 27, 08:18:13
- It's a shame (NCFC) - norway, Oct 27, 07:54:28
- he's passionate in another way (NCFC) - Worzel Scrimmage, Oct 27, 03:43:31
- Have anyone ever taken the superstitious thing seriously? (NCFC) - Bungle, Oct 27, 08:29:33
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