it's all in the timing
I was a glory hunter in '93, using my slim links to Norwich (birth & first 3 months of life and Xmas pressies from Granny being wrapped in the Pink 'Un cos she couldn't afford wrapping paper) to nail my playground colours to the mast of Norwich City.
Oh, the folly of youth.
Posted By: CWC on September 28th 2017 at 14:59:06
Message Thread
- Are there levels of glory hunting? (NCFC) - strap_on sally, Sep 28, 13:28:17
- Lets be honest.... If you were hunting for Glory... (NCFC) - usacanary, Sep 28, 14:16:25
- it's all in the timing (NCFC) - CWC, Sep 28, 14:59:06
- No. it just makes you fans going to games you fancy, that is (NCFC) - lovely old job, Sep 28, 14:06:50
- We're on the march with Freddie's army!;) (n/m) (NCFC) - berstreetsfinest, Sep 28, 14:05:53
- It's an odd term as there isn't likely to be much glory away at Arsenal. (NCFC) - bird table, Sep 28, 13:35:30
- Glory hunters isn't the right term. 'Regulars' would be better (n/m) (NCFC) - Azteca, Sep 28, 13:32:36
- Well, 'non regulars' I guess. (n/m) (NCFC) - Azteca, Sep 28, 13:34:02
- quite clearly NCFC have ballesd up but everyone knew when they went on sale (NCFC) - strap_on sally, Sep 28, 13:37:44
- The website was crashing solidly from 9 to at least 10.50 (NCFC) - s10 yellow, Sep 28, 14:05:12
- i gave up in the end, no selfie with thierry henry's statue for me and my lad *sob* (NCFC) - Tombs, Sep 28, 14:09:48
- i didn't, i had no idea there'd be such a demand, i had nothing organised (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Sep 28, 13:45:00
- This ^^^ I had NO idea it'd be this popular. (NCFC) - megson, Sep 28, 14:32:42
- I didn't know they were going straight to general sale (NCFC) - Tombs, Sep 28, 13:42:39
- In my case I had a meeting 9.30 - 12. Tried for half an hour from 9. (NCFC) - Azteca, Sep 28, 13:39:26
- The website was crashing solidly from 9 to at least 10.50 (NCFC) - s10 yellow, Sep 28, 14:05:12
- quite clearly NCFC have ballesd up but everyone knew when they went on sale (NCFC) - strap_on sally, Sep 28, 13:37:44
- Well, 'non regulars' I guess. (n/m) (NCFC) - Azteca, Sep 28, 13:34:02
- Lets be honest.... If you were hunting for Glory... (NCFC) - usacanary, Sep 28, 14:16:25
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