I hate doing lists, I always forget stuff, but here is a stab at my 10
(no real order)
Predator - Love this film, love it as a study of how getting enough key elements right can make a film more than the sum of its parts. (Seriously I could go full Big Fella on this)
Fight Club - I was the right age.
Alien - Atmospheric Masterpiece, its the detail.
Aliens - Brilliant fun.
Star Wars - I might mean Rogue One here actually.
Wrath of Khan - I know, I know. The away team on Nebula One is beautifully shot though.
Monty Python - Holy Grail wins I think.
Trainspotting - Begbie
GOTG - This gets in for soundtrack and sheer pleasant surprise, was a film I enjoy much more than expected.
Lost in Translation - Nothing happens yet its still great.
Posted By: megson on August 22nd 2017 at 10:08:25
Message Thread
- I hate doing lists, I always forget stuff, but here is a stab at my 10 (General Chat) - megson, Aug 22, 10:08:25
- And straight away there is 2 on Derbyshire's list VVV that probably should have made mine (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Aug 22, 10:09:15
- There are so many good films, good for different reason So! (n/m) (General Chat) - derbyshire canary, Aug 22, 10:11:47
- And straight away there is 2 on Derbyshire's list VVV that probably should have made mine (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Aug 22, 10:09:15
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