WOTB Predictions League 2017/2018 - make your predictions now!

Make your predictions on Arizona Bay's excellent website, here User Posted Link

Post on WOTB to let me know you've predicted.

Register your WOTB username on the link above, and then post your registration code on here. I will not enter you in the game unless you post your code on here.

Use your last season's username and logon if possible. You will NOT see, or need, an authorisation code. If you do not remember your login details, either:

Send an email to wotbpl@outlook.com, stating your username, and I will do you a password reset (you will not need an authorisation code); or

Create a new username with a 1 at the end of it, eg Yellalee1. Then post your authorisation code here for me to activate your new username.

Posted By: Yellalee on July 18th 2017 at 10:17:20

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