and yet Callaghan remained incredibly popular
If he had called an election in the autumn of 78, as he considered doing, he would have beaten Thatcher easily. Britain's finances then were indeed f*cked, but they had been f*cked for years, ever since the Conservative government of the mearly 60s bankrupted us (after the Labour election win of 1964 the Tory Chancellor left a note for his successor - Callaghan, spookily - saying "Good luck, old cock.... Sorry to leave it in such a mess.")
Posted By: mr carra on July 10th 2017 at 13:32:41
Message Thread
- What a great year... Well done Theresa. (General Chat) - avenging canary, Jul 10, 09:08:13
- Lol! Guardian readers biting! (General Chat) - Cheltenham_Canary, Jul 10, 11:05:13
- I don't read the Guardian. (General Chat) - avenging canary, Jul 10, 11:16:59
- I prefer The Times too.... (General Chat) - Cheltenham_Canary, Jul 10, 11:46:06
- True! (n/m) (General Chat) - avenging canary, Jul 10, 11:57:36
- I prefer The Times too.... (General Chat) - Cheltenham_Canary, Jul 10, 11:46:06
- I don't read the Guardian. (General Chat) - avenging canary, Jul 10, 11:16:59
- a link to 'The Guardian'. (General Chat) - Cheltenham_Canary, Jul 10, 09:17:30
- LOL - not even you can think she's been anything other than a disaster, surely? (General Chat) - thebigfeller, Jul 10, 09:19:49
- Then you're too young to remember callaghan of the late 70's.... (General Chat) - Cheltenham_Canary, Jul 10, 12:42:51
- and yet Callaghan remained incredibly popular (General Chat) - mr carra, Jul 10, 13:32:41
- I beg to differ. (General Chat) - Cheltenham_Canary, Jul 10, 13:47:01
- I was fire fighting in Sutton Coldfield for several months...... (General Chat) - Kirrie, Jul 10, 13:19:18
- Remember the green goddesses! (General Chat) - Cheltenham_Canary, Jul 10, 13:44:42
- PS..... (General Chat) - Cheltenham_Canary, Jul 10, 13:11:29
- and yet Callaghan remained incredibly popular (General Chat) - mr carra, Jul 10, 13:32:41
- For the record, I think she's crap, but it is predictable from the Guardian. (n/m) (General Chat) - Kirrie, Jul 10, 11:02:02
- ^vmt (n/m) (General Chat) - Cheltenham_Canary, Jul 10, 11:46:47
- Ok. (General Chat) - avenging canary, Jul 10, 11:08:11
- Even thats not entirely right. She is weakened, of course she is... (General Chat) - Kirrie, Jul 10, 11:56:39
- Totally agree (n/m) (General Chat) - Cheltenham_Canary, Jul 10, 12:44:00
- Crush the Saboteurs! (n/m) (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Jul 10, 11:32:00
- Better still..... (General Chat) - Cheltenham_Canary, Jul 10, 11:54:45
- Lol! Daily Mail readers biting! (n/m) (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Jul 10, 11:59:46
- I dont read The Daily Mail..... (General Chat) - Cheltenham_Canary, Jul 10, 12:45:50
- Lol! Daily Mail readers biting! (n/m) (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Jul 10, 11:59:46
- Better still..... (General Chat) - Cheltenham_Canary, Jul 10, 11:54:45
- Even thats not entirely right. She is weakened, of course she is... (General Chat) - Kirrie, Jul 10, 11:56:39
- Big problem she has though, is the Tory papers aren't being kind to her either now. (n/m) (General Chat) - DrDublin, Jul 10, 11:04:37
- ....and its a situation almost entirely of her own making. (n/m) (General Chat) - Kirrie, Jul 10, 11:49:39
- True.... (General Chat) - Cheltenham_Canary, Jul 10, 11:47:56
- I was impressed by him on QT last week, agreat deal of sense spoken. (n/m) (General Chat) - Kirrie, Jul 10, 11:58:52
- What a guy... (General Chat) - avenging canary, Jul 10, 12:04:18
- Then democracy will have the final say.... (General Chat) - Cheltenham_Canary, Jul 10, 12:50:02
- arf. (n/m) (General Chat) - Chris Peacock, Jul 10, 12:28:00
- y'know you're juat raising him higher in Kippie's estimation now, right? (n/m) (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Jul 10, 12:13:00
- .....and its KIRRIE please, if its all the same to you? (n/m) (General Chat) - Kirrie, Jul 10, 13:13:37
- Not at all, but alarge proportion of the audience certainly supported much of his input. (n/m) (General Chat) - Kirrie, Jul 10, 13:11:47
- What a guy... (General Chat) - avenging canary, Jul 10, 12:04:18
- I was impressed by him on QT last week, agreat deal of sense spoken. (n/m) (General Chat) - Kirrie, Jul 10, 11:58:52
- yebbut at least you know she'd nuke those no-good Argies!!!! (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Jul 10, 09:44:33
- Theres no need (General Chat) - Cheltenham_Canary, Jul 10, 11:49:18
- Add another 20 years on the planet and (General Chat) - Tressells Broadbrush, Jul 10, 09:42:59
- vmt (n/m) (General Chat) - norway, Jul 10, 09:39:10
- Hard to eclipse Cameron IMO (General Chat) - King, Jul 10, 09:37:27
- Yes this ^^^^ Could have allowed planing OR proposed proper legislation for the Ref (General Chat) - megson, Jul 10, 09:47:49
- Then you're too young to remember callaghan of the late 70's.... (General Chat) - Cheltenham_Canary, Jul 10, 12:42:51
- LOL - not even you can think she's been anything other than a disaster, surely? (General Chat) - thebigfeller, Jul 10, 09:19:49
- Lol! Guardian readers biting! (General Chat) - Cheltenham_Canary, Jul 10, 11:05:13
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