Have another coffee. I find it helps.
Posted By: avenging canary on April 28th 2017 at 07:43:46
Message Thread
- One of the main reasons I was told by city based people... (General Chat) - Dandy Highburyman, Apr 28, 07:40:19
- Andrew Marr's speculation that it was because we'll shortly be paying billions as a (General Chat) - Higher Wrather, Apr 28, 09:38:35
- Think it's primarily to do with the Tory election fraud... (General Chat) - maidstoneyellow, Apr 28, 09:25:23
- ^^^thinly veiled my missus knows someone who has links with Downing street post. (n/m) (General Chat) - Chris Peacock, Apr 28, 10:26:23
- We do love summer parties at number 10, (General Chat) - maidstoneyellow, Apr 28, 10:29:58
- ^^^thinly veiled my missus knows someone who has links with Downing street post. (n/m) (General Chat) - Chris Peacock, Apr 28, 10:26:23
- Why today? Is something happening? (n/m) (General Chat) - Jacksons_Twelfth, Apr 28, 08:16:26
- Good old missing words "...people for calling a snap general election.." (n/m) (General Chat) - Dandy Highburyman, Apr 28, 07:41:42
- Selecter-ive memory? (n/m) (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Apr 28, 09:01:25
- Made sense without the missing words, rest of the sentance made it clear you meant the GE (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Apr 28, 08:30:38
- This? (General Chat) - CB41, Apr 28, 08:13:17
- We are going down t'pan (n/m) (General Chat) - colincanary, Apr 28, 09:12:58
- Have another coffee. I find it helps. (n/m) (General Chat) - avenging canary, Apr 28, 07:43:46
- I've had no coffee or anything thus far. Will when I get to work (n/m) (General Chat) - Dandy Highburyman, Apr 28, 07:56:18
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