Come, Trumpish bombs, we have reached our nadir.
Posted By: Arizona Bay on January 30th 2017 at 15:14:07
Message Thread
- Having to get out of the bath to have a wee is just the worst thing. (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Jan 30, 14:36:47
- Pull the plug out, pull the little grill thing out, stick your cock down the hole (General Chat) - LittleMouseWithClogs, Jan 30, 17:03:56
- who the fuck has a bath on a montag afternoon? Nonce. (n/m) (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Jan 30, 15:49:47
- Bossmen have baths whenever the fuck they like Michael. (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Jan 30, 16:41:05
- montage I like that. (n/m) (General Chat) - Men without hats, Jan 30, 16:23:07
- Bottle. Think these things through. (General Chat) - APB, Jan 30, 15:39:36
- showing your real age now AB, weak bladder n'all (n/m) (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Jan 30, 15:13:54
- Big Four Nought in about six weeks. (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Jan 30, 15:15:58
- Stand in the bath and wee in the sink. Simple. (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Jan 30, 15:05:45
- *weeps* (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Jan 30, 15:14:07
- Is it too late for me to say i've never ACTUALLY done that? (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Jan 30, 15:21:47
- You'd have a job in our bathroom - there's about seven feet beteen edge of bath and (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Jan 30, 15:24:25
- For those of us not part of the 'Metropolitan Elite' the sink is right next to the bath (General Chat) - megson, Jan 30, 15:26:47
- AB lives in Sheffield (General Chat) - Tricky Hawes, Jan 30, 15:39:49
- I clearly outlined that I was enjoying a book, and since reading for pleasure (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Jan 30, 16:06:53
- Lol. Treating people decently? It'll never catch on. (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Jan 30, 16:11:30
- HS2 (n/m) (General Chat) - APB, Jan 30, 15:52:15
- FAKE NEWS - The Failing Tricky being dishonest again. Time he was retired. SAD (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Jan 30, 15:48:04
- Don't. (General Chat) - Tricky Hawes, Jan 30, 15:52:11
- Probably in a tin bath outside then, no problem water the flowers (n/m) (General Chat) - BSE Canary, Jan 30, 15:45:54
- I clearly outlined that I was enjoying a book, and since reading for pleasure (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Jan 30, 16:06:53
- AB lives in Sheffield (General Chat) - Tricky Hawes, Jan 30, 15:39:49
- For those of us not part of the 'Metropolitan Elite' the sink is right next to the bath (General Chat) - megson, Jan 30, 15:26:47
- You'd have a job in our bathroom - there's about seven feet beteen edge of bath and (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Jan 30, 15:24:25
- Is it too late for me to say i've never ACTUALLY done that? (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Jan 30, 15:21:47
- *weeps* (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Jan 30, 15:14:07
- Girl (General Chat) - Real Man, Jan 30, 15:00:47
- Piss through the overflow. (n/m) (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Jan 30, 15:06:39
- ^^^ Barely-evolved mammalian curiosity of a man. (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Jan 30, 15:04:28
- ^^ Smelly nappy baby (n/m) (General Chat) - kendo nagasaki, Jan 30, 15:03:05
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