Escum to Victory.
Shits me right up too; I always turn it over immediately if it appears on my televisor.
Posted By: Garry Brooke on October 19th 2016 at 14:55:30
Message Thread
- Scariest filum ever? (General Chat) - Nelsons final flanel, Oct 19, 14:39:21
- Herbie (General Chat) - Bravo win or die, Oct 19, 20:03:21
- Don't Look Now, The Shining, Polanski's The Tenant (n/m) (General Chat) - shortfatb, Oct 19, 19:59:41
- Threads (n/m) (General Chat) - earthleakage, Oct 19, 19:37:23
- The orphan (n/m) (General Chat) - Mackem Canary, Oct 19, 19:29:33
- Spiceworld (n/m) (General Chat) - matgore, Oct 19, 19:25:32
- Carrie - closing scene (n/m) (General Chat) - trustsec, Oct 19, 17:44:29
- doesn't live here... (General Chat) - Dandy Highburyman, Oct 19, 18:42:26
- The Witches (n/m) (General Chat) - Tony Martin, Oct 19, 17:42:37
- When I was 17 I went to see a midnight screening of the Exorcist... (General Chat) - Dandy Highburyman, Oct 19, 17:35:09
- Exorcist the series starts on the Syfy tonight. (n/m) (General Chat) - Huge Small, Oct 19, 17:39:20
- The Finishing Line (n/m) (General Chat) - harry boulders, Oct 19, 17:31:24
- the Tingler (General Chat) - watfordcanary, Oct 19, 16:50:23
- The original The Haunting (n/m) (General Chat) - Steve in Holland, Oct 19, 16:44:23
- Some burnt dude goes round murdering teens in their nightmares who all live on Elm Street. (General Chat) - Trent_Canary, Oct 19, 16:42:58
- 13 ghosts. (n/m) (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Oct 19, 17:33:47
- alan brazil getting busted by the rozzers for drunk drivering (General Chat) - Tombs, Oct 19, 16:09:16
- snakes on a plane (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Oct 19, 16:06:30
- John Carpenter's version of The Thing. (n/m) (General Chat) - bird table, Oct 19, 16:05:39
- That were a good 'un. The Shining was passable too. I see Twin Peaks is (General Chat) - dennis moore, Oct 19, 17:08:14
- Event Horizon (n/m) (General Chat) - Charles21, Oct 19, 15:47:08
- ^^^ has taste. (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Oct 19, 16:50:42
- the one set in texas where a bloke goes round massacring everyone with a big old chainsaw (General Chat) - Tombs, Oct 19, 15:40:27
- was that the American Werewolf in London? (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Oct 19, 15:43:02
- that's the feller, yes (General Chat) - Tombs, Oct 19, 15:48:24
- was that the American Werewolf in London? (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Oct 19, 15:43:02
- thta dutch fillum where a bloke's girlfriend is buried alive (General Chat) - paulg, Oct 19, 15:22:31
- The Vanishing ^^^ (General Chat) - tim berry, Oct 19, 17:31:04
- htta's (n/m) (General Chat) - paulg, Oct 19, 17:53:04
- (damn my computer) that's the one (n/m) (General Chat) - paulg, Oct 19, 17:53:39
- htta's (n/m) (General Chat) - paulg, Oct 19, 17:53:04
- The Vanishing ^^^ (General Chat) - tim berry, Oct 19, 17:31:04
- Anal Zombie Nuns 9 (n/m) (General Chat) - Bristol Graham, Oct 19, 15:03:26
- 8 was worse....... (n/m) (General Chat) - usacanary, Oct 19, 15:09:28
- Plot was shit though. (General Chat) - APB, Oct 19, 16:33:03
- 8 was worse....... (n/m) (General Chat) - usacanary, Oct 19, 15:09:28
- pretty sure Escape To Victory is the only one with John Wark in. So that. (n/m) (General Chat) - mr carra, Oct 19, 14:49:32
- Escum to Victory. (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Oct 19, 14:55:30
- What women think (n/m) (General Chat) - promethian1, Oct 19, 14:45:04
- Springsteen and I (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, Oct 19, 14:44:16
- E.T. (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Oct 19, 14:40:58
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