I'm already up and ready for the game,
I'm just that excited. well, that and the fact that I'm in Straya.
Posted By: I Am Hoot on May 9th 2015 at 01:46:50
Message Thread
- 4 bloody am is when I have to set my alarm to be up for the game tomorrow (NCFC) - Kev, May 9, 00:26:11
- Hampshire Canaries now setting off too. Come on City! (n/m) (NCFC) - BungysPie, May 9, 06:17:23
- Same here. Train leaves for scum in 8 minutes. The beers will be flowing (n/m) (NCFC) - grimsbycanary3, May 9, 05:04:40
- 8:30pm here. About to go to bed (NCFC) - Kev, May 9, 04:26:59
- I'm already up and ready for the game, (NCFC) - I Am Hoot, May 9, 01:46:50
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